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Seco esperando el autobús, sentado tranquilamente en un banco del parque viendo a su hijo jugar en un parque infantil bien cuidado. Pero también poder caminar por la calle con seguridad gracias a semáforos y farolas en buen estado. La habitabilidad de un municipio depende de que el mobiliario urbano esté en buen estado. Los gestores del espacio público tienen una tarea importante. Un mantenimiento deficiente o la sustitución tardía del mobiliario urbano roto debido a una supervisión incompleta o incorrecta, provocan situaciones inseguras o incluso lesiones graves.
MyCumulus helps municipalities with effective management of public space. With MyCumulus, inspectors can quickly, easily and efficiently digitally map the condition of street furniture so that targeted and, if necessary, direct action can be taken to repair or replace the furniture.
MyCumulus can be used in many ways: from data acquisition to monitoring and management. In addition, MyCumulus can be combined with GIS management systems that the municipality already uses. With the app, inspectors are able to collect data directly on location, enter it via pre-set forms and send it for processing. The big advantage is that there is less chance of errors when entering data. In addition to GPS location data, GIS, external or central database data and address data can be loaded automatically and it is possible to add photos, sketches or drawings for a complete picture of the situation. By recording trends and patterns, insight is gained into the lifespan of different types of furniture, the locations where most repairs are needed and the costs of maintenance. Municipalities can also plan and implement management and maintenance even better. This leads to lower costs, safer use of public space and a more pleasant and liveable environment for the inhabitants of the municipality.
Vermogenweg 107
3641 SR Mijdrecht
The Netherlands
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