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La combinación GEWIX (cooperación de las empresas de cimentación Bauer y De Vries Titan) está instalando pilotes de anclaje para el proyecto de la A9 cerca de Amstelveen. Utilizan MyCumulus para recopilar datos e informar al cliente sobre el progreso.
The complex A9-project started in 2020 and is expected to be completed in 2027. GEWIX is drilling a total of 14,000 piles over about 2 km. The drilling engineer has the tablet containing MyCumulus attached to the machine and enters the data directly into the customized digital forms while drilling. Previously, this was done on paper A3 forms and the data was digitized afterwards. Now entered data is directly saved in the cloud, keeping the execution team informed in real time. GEWIX also deploys MyCumulus for weekly update reporting.
Vermogenweg 107
3641 SR Mijdrecht
The Netherlands
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